国际摄影艺术联合会FIAP主席 ——里卡多·布西 Riccardo Busi简介 1958年出生于佛罗伦萨,政治学博士,外交与国际组织学硕士,现任某欧洲重要保险公司的培训师。
摄影工作学习简历 FIAF (意大利摄影艺术联合会)。 自1998年以来,担任海外部部长。 1990年至2001年,担任自然协会的创始人和主任。 FIAP(国际摄影艺术联合会) 自2002年,担任秘书长。 2000年至2006年,自然委员会成员。 ISF(欧洲无国界摄影组织) 1996年到2002年,创始人和副主席。 1996年到2002年,南欧区域主任。 当FIAP董事会召回他担任“FIAP秘书长”一职时,2002年3月份他辞掉前两份职业。
摄影技术 1974年他接触到黑白和彩色摄影。 他是一位旅行和自然摄影家,他现任摄影课程和摄影工作室的协调人和培训师(自然和旅行摄影课程的初级和高级),“熊猫摄影作品”摄影代理-罗马。
摄影展和奖项 从1994年到现在,他组织了意大利联合会,组织了约130场国际博览会,众多海外联合会,俱乐部和作家参与了该博览会。 自1980年到现在,他积极参与了超过300场海内外个人和综合展会,以及幻灯片和数字投影展。总共入选1000多次国际摄影大赛,所获得的奖项超过200项。 五次获得FIAP自然组世界冠军:芬兰1999(CLP), 南非2001(CLP), 澳大利亚2003(CLP),克罗地亚2006(CLP /幻灯片)和两次国际金牌幻灯片世界杯(芬兰1999,比利时2002)。 2007年,他为俱乐部赢得了FIAP世界杯二等奖,为他所在的佛罗伦萨“Il Gruppo Fotografico Il Cupolone”俱乐部赢得了荣誉。 自1982年来,担任国家和国际大赛的评委。 他参加了在比利时、法国、马耳他、爱尔兰、英格兰、克罗地亚、荷兰、圣马力诺、香港、中国,捷克、葡萄牙、塞尔维亚、希腊、奥地利和罗马尼亚等国举办的国际评委会。
摄影头衔 取得的成绩 FIAP颁发的奖衔 MFIAP, EFIAP/g 和 Hon.EFIAP ISF颁发的摄影奖项 "Constellation Dauphin ISF” (D.ISF), Actif ISF (AISF) 和 Fondateur ISF (FISF); PSA颁发的奖项 自然组三星级,幻灯片组3星级,彩色图片组一星级 FIAF颁发的奖衔 幻灯片组2星级,意大利Benemerito della Fotografia(意大利联盟杰出摄影家奖)-(BFI) 来自其他俱乐部和联合会的头衔 “丽水摄影家协会”高级顾问-中国 “(MHPFR) – 阿根廷 “沙特摄影之家荣誉会员”(Hon.FSPH)- 沙特阿拉伯 “布宜诺斯艾利斯摄影俱乐部荣誉会员”(MHFCBA) -阿根廷 “阿根廷摄影俱乐部荣誉会员”(MHFCA) - 阿根廷 “Socio Onorario” of the “Associazione Cinefotografica Civitavecchia” -意大利 “Socio Onorario” of the “Gruppo Fotografico Chiavari” - 意大利 “Socio Onorario” of the “Associazione Sammarinese Fotoamatori”- 圣马力诺
Studies and work experience Born in 1958 in Florence, doctor in Political Sciences, master in Diplomatic Career and in International Organizations, presently works as a trainer for one of the most important European Insurance Companies.
Photographic charges FIAF (Italian Federation of Photographic Arts) Foreign Department Director since 1998 Founder and Director of the Nature Committee, from 1990 to 2001 FIAP (Fedération Internationale de l’Art Photographique) General Secretary since 2002 Member of FIAP Nature Commission , from 2000 to 2006 ISF (Image Sans Frontière European International Organization) Founder and Vice-President from 1996 to 2002 Director for the South Europe Area from 1996 to 2002 Both charges were left in march 2002 when the FIAP Directory Board called him to cover the role of "FIAP General Secretary ".
Photographic skills He approached photography in 1974 working both in B/W and Colour. Travel and Nature photographer, he is presently coordinator and trainer of photography courses and workshops (advanced and beginner course of nature and travel) and collaborator of “Panda Photo” Photographic Agency - Rome.
Exhibitions and awards For the Italian Federation he has organized from 1994 until now, about 130 International Expositions with Foreign Federations, Clubs and authors. He has actively participated in shows and competitions realizing from 1980 to today more than 300 personal and collective exhibitions and slide and digital projections both in Italy and abroad. He has gathered almost 1000 admissions in international competitions and over 200 awards. Five times FIAP World Champion in Nature: Finland 1999 (CLP), South Africa 2001 (CLP), Australia 2003 (CLP), Croatia 2006 (CLP / Slides) and twice FIAP Gold Medal in Slides World Cups (Finland 1999 and Belgium 2002). In 2007 he won the Second FIAP World Cup for Clubs, with his Club “Il Gruppo Fotografico Il Cupolone” of Florence Judge in national and international competitions since 1982. He has taken part to international juries in Belgium, France, Malta, Ireland, England, Croatia, Nederland, San Marino, Hong Kong, China, Czech Republic, Portugal, Serbia, Greece, Austria and Romania
Photographic titles Thanks to the results obtained he received:
Øfrom the Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP) the title of MFIAP, EFIAP/g and Hon.EFIAP
Øfrom Image Sans Frontière (ISF) the titles of "Constellation Dauphin ISF” (D.ISF), Actif ISF (AISF) and Fondateur ISF (FISF);
Øfrom the Photographic Society of America (PSA) 3 stars in Nature, 3 stars in Slides and 1 star in Color Print
Øfrom the Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche (FIAF) 2 stars in Slides and the title of Benemerito della Fotografia Italiana (Outstanding photographer of the Italian Federation) - (BFI)
Ø from some clubs and Federations the titles: “Senior adviser of Art of Lishui Photographers Association” - China “Membro de Honor de la Peña Fotografica Rosarina” (MHPFR) – Argentina “Honorary Fellowship of Saudi Photographers' House” (Hon.FSPH)- Arabia Saudita “Membro de Honor de Foto Club Buenos Aires” (MHFCBA) - Argentina “Membro de Honor de Foto Club Argentino” (MHFCA) - Argentina “Socio Onorario” of the “Associazione Cinefotografica Civitavecchia” - Italy “Socio Onorario” of the “Gruppo Fotografico Chiavari” - Italy “Socio Onorario” of the “Associazione Sammarinese Fotoamatori”- San Marino |
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